
Discover the easiest ways to build your resume!

The #1 Resume Maker. Create Your CV Now!

Create your resume faster than ever before with our easy-to-use recruiter-approved resume maker
If you want to update your resume later, you can always edit it here.
Happy job hunting!

Easy Online Resume Builder
Input your work experience and education info. Leave the styling and font optimization to us.
Create Job Winning Resumes
We have optimized our resume templates for recruiters, so your resume will stand out and be easier to read.
Export to anything
Export to PDFs, JSON or print your resume immediately from the platform.

Why Choose Us?

We want to simplify resume creation for job seekers globally. Our goal is to help you land your next job as quickly as possible.

Instead of manuaully creating resumes in Word or Pages, you can use SimpleCV and create your resume in a matter of minutes, with readability optimized templates to choose from.

Create My Resume

Use The Best Resume Maker As Your Guide

Add your projects, social media, work experience, education, achievements, goals, skills...

Easy to use editor
Make a resume that wins interviews.
Professional resume
Create your professional resume with us.
100+ Templates
More than 100 free templates available for edit.
Export to anything
Export your resume to any format you need.

Our Creative Templates

Use any of our templates for free. Pick the style your prefer. Personalize your resume as much you wish.

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